The thing that drew me to MONSTA X was Jooheon  and I.M's rap! I loved their mature, more rap orientated sound, so tracks like " Who Do You Love" and now "LOVE U" felt weird to me, not only because everyone turns into a singer and there's no rap involved, but also due to them being sang in full English.

I think "LOVE U" is a fine pop song. it has a fun beat, cute lyrics, and for some reason it reminded me of "I'm so tired" by Lauv and Troye Sivan.

It's definitely radio friendly, and obviously since MONSTA X have way more appeal internationally than they do in Korea, it's a logical move to release such a track.

I think I love this one better than "Who Do You Love", I really didn't like French Montana's part in that song,nor did I think there was any chemistry between him and the group. I think Jooheon would've handled the rapping better.

I don't want to be a nagging type of fan, I do understand the business reasons behind these releases, as well the fact that its every artist's right to try new stuff, and experiment, it's absurd to  want artists to stick to one lane, however the thing that bothers me with MONSTA X's English releases is that these songs have no identity.

Both songs could've been sang by any upcoming pop singer, and there would've not been much of a difference to detect, while when you listen to a song like  Beautiful, All In, Jealousy... you can't imagine someone else rapping I.M's part or  singing Kinhyun 's verses.
Those songs scream MONSTA X while these ones have no personality, they're your typical -could've been sang by anyone- songs.

I still love MONSTA X, and I believe they're truly talented, so I'll always look forward to their future releases, in the meantime ,however, I'll be playing songs from THE CODE. 

LOVE U Card:
*Score: 5.7/10
*Label: Average
*Star of the song: ...
*Final Thoughts: It's an ok song, if you love MONSTA X, you're obviously going to stream it, if    you're new to them, this wouldn't be the song I'd recommend
*Listen to the song:here

  • SO, did you check LOVE U by MONSTA X??? What did you think? and do you prefer them singing in English or Korean??
