Namjoon's TOP3 SOLO Songs

    BTS' leader is turning 25 today ( 26 if you're following the Korean calender), and at a relativity young age, Namjoon managed to give us some pretty  amazing tunes  to obsess over.
Now, he has several features as well as covers, but this list will only include his solo stuff, and by solo I mean songs from the two mix tapes he releases so songs like Persona aren't eligible because they're part of BTS' discography rather than RM's.
  • Before we start, you can share your favourite songs by RM down below

"Forever Rain" from mono 2018: 

As someone who struggles with depression, this song is very special to me. The sad, emotional instrumental at the beginning hooked me right away, then the lyrics just destroyed me as much as they made me feel a little bit better. 
I can only speak of my own experience with depression,  but when Namjoon said: " I wish it rains all day, I'd like  someone to cry for me"  I related to that immediately! I've cried countless of times while looking at rain, it just made me feel better, as if I'm comforted by it.
The music is calm, the way Namjoon delivered the verses and chorus is calm, yet it has so much depth and strength, it hits you so hard.
This song is truly so underrated, and it deserves so much more attention and recognition, I really wish more people would give it a chance and show it love because its so important. 

"Joke" from RM mixtape 2015:

I truly believe that if such a song belonged to an American/Western artist, people would give it endless praise. Though I don't connect with this song on a personal level as I do with the previous one, I do recognize the genius of it.
I think this was one of the very first songs I heard when I got in Kpop and I was like "This is rap rap" and what I mean here is there is a distinction between and a RAPPER and an IDOL RAPPER { I'll explain the distinction in a future post} this specific track was the beginning towards making that distinction.
I feel like this song was Namjoon way to show everyone that he is not your typical idol rapper, and that he truly  has something special going on.
His flow is ridiculously insane,I go back to this song every once in a while and it truly blows my mind that he released it when he was 20. 

"Voice" from RM mixtape 2015:

I cannot stress how much it pisses me off that this song doesn't get the recognition it deserves. In his first mixtape, it feels like Namjoon spends most of it trying to show us his abilities as a rapper, and guarantee, he does that quite successfully and though all his emotions across the album feel as truthful and raw as can be, the opening song on the mixtape with its rather slow -similar to Forever Rain- rhythm is what caught my attention.
I think Namjoon is great when he goes hard, with his fast almost  Eminem like flow, but he excels when he slows things down  a bit as well. I feel even if you don't know what he's saying in Voice, you'll feel something because he brings so much emotion to each word he utters, it feels like you're listening to someone recite an emotional poem.
I love this song, its lyrics, rhythm, instrument, Najmoon's flow and way of delivery, I just think its so good and more people should appreciate it. 

  • Note: If you've read any of my other posts, you probably know that I do "Cards" for each song/album I review where I have scores, labels, finals thoughts..., I didn't want to do this here because : A) This is more of Namjoon appreciation post rather than a critical review of the songs B) I'm doing RM vs mono soon meaning there is a possibility these songs will reappear there, and they'll have their cards then.
