ATEEZ Are Unmatched: "TREASURE EP.FIN: All to Action" Review

It's been a couple of days since ATEEZ released their first full length album; I've listen to each track multiple times, and the verdict on how good their latest project  turned out to be is finally here. 
Before we begin,I have full reviews for all of their previous releases which you can check right after you finish reading this post.

WONDERLAND: The title track is so good, and that's all I'm gonna say because I have already uploaded a full review about it, and you can check here.
Dazzling Light:
San opens the song, and I just want to mention how good he's become as a vocalist; he improved so much. I like Hognjoong verse a lot,and Seonghwa sounded so good. 
I am in love with chorus, I love the drop so much and the "Who You Who am I" part is so beautiful. 
I love the rap intertwine towards the ending between Mingi and Hongjoong , both are great individually, and when they come together, its just amazing. 
We end the song with some powerful vocals from Jongho who is insanely good.
After WOMDERLAND and Dazzling Light, this song wasn't what I expected to get, it was such an amazing surprise.
The intro promises us a sad song, and Wooyoung's voice confirms that.
I praised San already, but he is worthy of more love for his performance here, I loved him so much in this song. Him and Jongho gave such powerful,raw, and emotional performances and they made this song extra special.
Hongjoong's verse is so good, not only was he great, the lyrics were strong as well. 
I loved Wooyoung's and Seonghwa voices together quite a lot. I wish Yeosang got more lines.
This song is so fast paced, the verses are sung quite quickly to match the fast beat at the beginning and I enjoyed it quite a bit. 
The drop in the chorus is really good, but the change in Hongjoong's verse was better, and it complemented his delivery quite well. I really wanted his verse to be longer because I enjoyed it so much.
Mingi's verse is short here, I thought he was fine, not his best stuff but he is still good.
If Without You:
The title kinda of deceived me! I was expecting an emotiona l-similar to Mist type of song,- but this is a bright happy song, and I loved it. 
The intro is playful and fun, the beginning with Yunho and Seonghwa is good, but it was Wooyoung's verse that created that amazing feel-good vibe. 
I'm so happy we got more Yeosang here, he was good. 
I really liked the background voices during Hongjoong's verse, I usually don't like background sounds in songs but I thought they worked beautifully here.
Thank U:
The guitar at the beginning was a promise for good things to come, and they did indeed. 
I loved Hongjoong and Yunho's verses, and I truly think Wooyoung has done a great job, not just here but throughout the album.
 I loved the beat, and the chorus was really beautiful and fun.
I adored the way Mingi delivered his first verse, it was so fun and his second one was performed so differently making me appreciate his versatility even more
Once again,I was so happy to hear more of Yeosang's voice. 
"If Without You" creates a happy fun feel when listened to, while this track does the trick and also makes the listener feel so much joy, it will also make you feel so much warmth.
I love this song so much, but one thing ruined it for me and I want to get it out of the way then we'll get to the good stuff: Why was Yeosang part which Hongjoong repeats later AUTOTUNED LIKE THAT???? I honestly can't think of one good reason on why they thought that was a good decision to make. This song would've been almost perfect and that part was added to prevent it from getting a 10\10 score.
I loved Wooyoung and Seonghwa in the opening, there was a sense of vulnerability in their voices and it was beautiful. I liked Mingi slow, calm delivery.
The drop is so beautiful and the instrumentals are amazing. Hongjoong's verse hits hard, and Yunho does a lovely job. And for the billionth time, Jongho's and his vocals are amazing.
Besides the beat, the amazing performances delivered by the  members, the lyrics deserve their share of praise because they're so good too.
The song starts with simple instrumental that blend beautifully with the vocals we get from various members. I loved how the beat changed in San's second verse, it's still emotional but its more upbeat.
Seonghwa did so well here, in fact he did so well across the entire album, and Mingi also delivered a beautiful verse.
Hongjoong's flow and pitch were really good, I loved Yeosang's verse so much and I truly believe he did a very good job. His part was really good and it was a nice note of end such a strong song with such an unexpected strong performance.

When ATEEZ announced they're releasing a full length album, I had high expectations, and they didn't just deliver, they went above and beyond everything I've imagined. 

This album is so strong, there isn't a single song that I disliked, no song is skip-able. They truly outperformed many of their seniors, I am so impressed and so scared of what they'll be able to do in the future because they are capable of so much.

Usually a member or two stand out, but here everybody shines and I mean it. The rappers are incredible, and where in other albums I felt like Jongho stole the show from the vocalists, this time they were all great. San gave amazing performances, Wooyoung, Yunho and Seonghwa all had strong and beautiful verses.

Yeosang was the least utilised member, but I really liked him whenever he was on (except on that autotuned Sunrise part which I'm gonna pretend it never existed). 

To have 2 amazing EPs and 1 amazing album released in the span of 10 months is just jaw dropping. ATEEZ are simply unmatched!

TREASURE EP.FIN: All to Action Card:

*Score: 9/10
*Label: Excellent
*Best Song: I honestly can't choose just 1, at least for now.
*Star of the album: ATEEZ
*Final Thoughts: If you are reading this, just know that this is a fantastic album, and you need to stream it as soon as possible. There are emotional slow tracks, upbeat fun songs, serious and hardcore ones, and they all blend together beautifully to create a great album.

  • Have you listened to the final chapter of TREASURE? If your answer is No, then please do yourself a favour and stream it right now. If the answer is Yes, share your thoughts on it down in the comments and tell us what's your favourite track .
