Someone's Someone: Another EN Track by MONSTA X

   If you have checked my review of LOVE U which was  released quite recently, you would know that I haven't been the biggest fan of MONSTA X turning into a group that has 7 vocalists, 0 rappers, and sings fully in English.
What drew me to them years ago, were the rappers and how different their concepts seemed, so listening to them doing some extremely generic American pop songs haven't been my cup of tea, that been said, I think "Someone's Someone" is kinda of good.

 I really liked the intro, I found Shownu's verse to be quite sweet; He and Jooheon sounded quite good.I liked Kihyun and I.M's verse and how their voices blended together nicely, and I enjoyed the wordless chorus following it, I found the beat to be real nice.

Lyrically, I think most verses are fine, there are some sweet, good lines, and overall I think the message is beautiful, very relatable; everyone no matter their age, gender, race want to be loved and appreciated by someone, so I really liked the message.

I kinda wish this was a longer track, it feels like its missing something, it somehow feels like it's not really complete, however, I did enjoy it more than their other tracks sang in full English.

I still very much miss the rap parts, I appreciate Jooheon and I.M's as vocalists, I like seeing them showcase all their talents, I do ;however, miss them as rappers, and I believe they're the strongest when they go hard on a beat with their amazing flow.

"Someone's Someone" Card:
*Score: 6.2/10
*Label: Fair
*Star of The Song: Kinhyun/I.M
*Final Thoughts: Its worth checking, it has nice music as well as a sweet message that almost   everyone can relate to. 
*Listen to The Song:here

  • What did you think of the track? Whether you loved or disliked the song, sharing your opinion down below will be appreciated. 
