Unpopular BTS Opinions!

    In today's world, having a different opinion could possibly lead to "cancellation", and because I despise this trend and believe that everyone has the right to  voice their point of view respectfully, I thought of sharing some opinions that might be considered quite unpopular about a group I dearly love.
BTS don't need any introduction, they're arguably the most popular group in the world right now and with that kind of fame, their fans have a huge platform, most of them, me included, are very open minded while a small portion is aggressive and  harsh, and they are willing to attack anybody who disagrees with their opinion about the idols they love. I believe this to be quite an unhealthy approach, but sadly it's something we witness a lot nowadays.

I shared an opinion about a BTS song that I didn't enjoy as much as everybody else seemed to, and many accused me of not being a true fan, and that was the inspiration behind this post.

It's so frustrating to think that the definition of a true fan means to blindly accept and love whatever the artist gives you.

A true fan is supposed to be critical and smart, blind loyalty is just not a trait people should be proud of. If you like every single thing an artist puts out, then good for you, but if you just swallow whatever is served without thinking at all, then that's just stupid in my opinion.

I love SEVENTEEN so much, but I didn't like HIT, does that make me less of a fan? No, it just means that I didn't enjoy a particular song.

Now, that we go that out of the way, Let's dive into the unpopular opinions:

3)MOTS: Persona Was Underwhelming!
As much as I loved the Love Yourself series, I was so excited to enter a new chapter, but sadly the MOTS EP was very disappointing.

The lead single which was teased for quite some time was barley a collab. As an army as well as a Halesy fan, I was looking forward for the amazing thing they made together only to be surprised by Halesy having almost nothing to do, and with the song being very generic, with some of the weakest rap line performances.

When it comes to the album itself, I wasn't a fan of any song! Non of them are awful by any means, but non are as good as tracks we got on LY:Tear for example.

This is not a bad album, it's just an Ok record, but due to BTS delivering amazing stuff quite frequently, the first chapter of MOTS was disappointing.

2) Taehyung and Jimin Have More Unique Voices but Jungkook is The Better Vocalist:

I love Taehyung's deep voice and I adore Jimin's unique emotional vocals, however, no one can deny that when singing live they suffer quite a lot, especially when compared to the main vocalist.

Jungkook's voice is beautiful, but its less unique when compared to the two, however, when live he can control his range so much better.

For recorded music, I'd prefer to listen to Taehyung or Jimin but if I'm asked to choose which one I'd like to see live, it'd definitely be Jungkook.

1)Hoseok Is The Most Talented Member:

JHope is not my bias, he's not even my bias wrecker, but the truth must be told. All members are mutli talented, however, I feel like he excels in every aspect: His dancing is unmatched, his rap is incredible, his singing is pretty good and he composes and writes.

If you take Namjoon for example, he's an excellent rapper, but he's less of a good singer and dancer; same goes for Yoongi, or Jin who's good when it comes to singing, ok dancing wise and is of course no rapper.


So this was a short post, with 3 opinions that might trigger some people, some might agree, other won't, but at the end of the day, this is just my opinion.

  • What are some unpopular opinions you have when it comes to BTS? whatever they are, please share them down below.
